Episode #520 - 8 People, 8 Colors Preference Race, Lucky Hobbies

Broadcast Date: 2020-09-13 (filmed on 2020-08-31)

Location: SBS Open Hall (Deungchon-dong, Gangseo-gu, Seoul)

Description: This week, the members learn three different types of hobbies and perform them to win the prizes prepared by the staff. They're given lottery tickets as means of winning the prizes at the end. First, they learn to yodel from the masters of yodel. Then they learn how to dance the samba and hula. Finally, they learn to sing a capella. Who will win first place and win the best prize? Stay tuned to find out!

Rating: 6.8%

Watches: 620 (07runningmanforever12, 10bean01, 10minuto, 13m, 16jenn, 2freealina, 4danbi4, abhinbn, abitlovely, abzur, ac1kt, ace21r, achayls, achikitalove, aciel, agnetiks, ailexeen, aiyaz, ajakz, akmalwan, alec, alexzheng, alilou, alizardbird, aljumanji, altriane, aminaash, ampoiiz, ancoraimparo, andrew, andyp223, angelicious, annelilavla, anorganiclifeform, anothermissdrama, anta, anthayashi, apenasmoon, apopolypse, applesauce, ashaai, asiaprince, astrosprinkle, audreyackles, auttindynamic, avivi, ayakenchin01, ayeayeron, azkjk, babydee, bananas, barabuckets, basilkate, bbiijj007, bcth2023, beba, bernaberrr, berobot, bigbosshardfacts, blackcookie, blackninja902, bluechasing, bonzai, brandoinho57, brumbrum96, btyn7727, bubbleguy25, buddy, bullettime, buscusting, cagzkie, calistalovespink, callmetom, captainemohead, cassie, chapalin, chenhau, cherryaeri, cherryqueen, chiltonchenggmailcom, chlzslvdr, chuuchuukiss, cjace00, claroling, clem225, cloudgirl109, cloudysky, cmlcmm, cmpauls3, cptungvs, csicskagyasz, cutiepie21, cyc421, cygnus, dabby, dalbich, dalistoi, dan1073, dandandoodles, darkch0c0late, darren08, dayz, dbryanrev, deararm, deigue, dekio, df1145, dho8202, dilatorily, dimasyopan, djoudylou, duhrduhr, dunkelbluete, edche, edi, ellieotto, emceezenith, emilyhu, enet, entropix, envuna, errllm, eryzareign, eschele12, esqueleton, estellarious, etheryn, eudatg, ewezabeef, exolola, fangkattalakis, fashionnom2, fatamorgana21, fatboiownz, fathurroughman, fatou, feralflare, filianalter, fitzvexia, flea, frostiris, gediminas237, gg, ghiacstll, gilgamesh7012, girafe, giraffe00, gith, gloss, gomb, gonakuu, grayphantom, grizzly, guacamolly, hafiz12, hagi, hakuna, haluo, hamburglar, hananananana, hanzi, haririabd, haykalqayyum, hecate86, heebae, heheboi81, hmd, hohoimtired, hollow27mc, hrjaems, hteza, hyams, hyejoo, hykzqwmx, hypeboy123, iamcdr, icamtspel, icarustc, icemarbl, ida, iloveyok, imabadnana, iman0701, impjingxp, imreallydumb, indy, intotheunknown, irfanarif, ishop88, itazura, itisi, itssarcazm, itzjason, itzsamuel, ivanh12, ivantandela, izumixyung, jaaj, jaein, jamesrepuela, janielleishereforrunningman, jansenb26, jas, jaywon, jeanellet, jeazzyy, jellybeen12, jennacoriiin, jennifer, jeongie, jeongyeon, jessyg13, jetalone, jiahengk, jimmyac, jiniwini, jinxylolo, jl050503, jmdp0014, joeil31, johnjeelee, johnstefan88, josh, joy2816, jtcn, jumbell01, junglebert, justinbb7, justinntyne, jwgmyg, kae7012, kainkinlen, kaitogutz, kaleido15, kandi, kappa026, karthyhu, kaue10686, keboo, keese25, kenzoakabane, kertor, kevin0wens, kexopop, key, khuynh180, kiadeethee, killerbee02, kimtaehyuk, kingaphrodite, kingpan, knhuynh7, komi, koya, krissel, kroppskudde, kungfukielly, kwang, kwangsoolover, lambmastuh, lamchop365, lancenaive, largecokenoice, lauren, lawrencehsj, laxr, lazygeb, lazylayxe, leahpizza, leeeeekwangsoooo, lemony09, linlinnd23, lite, littlefriday13, liusfi, lmnl01, logiburr, lokman, lomily, lozerlvr, lu0pam, lucyestern, luffy1234567890, luro, mac93, maenerys, mai0hm4i, majorfanni98, mandu, marcaxabado, marebear, maroram, matthew, mattnac, maulvader, maycry159, mdindra12, mebdasd, meliona, memdan, meowlenne, mhy, michibat, michielcx, mikewangsa, misterliyum, mmmlll, mncylrmanalastas, mojojako19, mokilo, monkeydcookie, motr8la, mrkimi80, mrmuse, mrtodamhumble, myst, mzfmin, n0cn1l, natsudrage, nblanco37, ncunkd, neenee, neosjs, neptun0, nerumin, nethu, netopia19, nigmo, nikhilagubbala, niuxvip, nixie, njabagat, njdogino, nononoze, nowarzz, nuno, opepreo, oppanget, ozzphs, park1r, pauloc, pdn05, pepszy, philkim, picle, pijonghoo, pikaboo14, pkmtz, plongerman, poemyboy, poisondart, pokermilo, popoyskie, porgand, pudeeng, purloin, purplerain, qqmotion, qtineeey, r0blovespizza, raaaawr, raiszaha, randomusernam3, raz, reigun08, restalious, rhalf, rielmordechai, rielmrdch, rikchan, rizqy, rm123, rmhanna, rmjack, rmwin, rningmanfan, rockdiamond222, rommeler, rorapark, rrrrrrrrrrrr, runnercho2, runrunrun, rvnclws30, ryan1597, ryushae, sakura18, salmon, saltedpillow, samid, sandra10ung, saolo, sapphireblue, sara, sarahashley, sarangerel, saveourseouls, scarlet8060, schzone, scifrobacito, shabnam, shana08, shana11, sharu, shermanwu, shiina, shinramyun, shockery, shwcsmack, siapasihdia6, silveratlas, sincerelysire, sirkelvino, sivajipro, skawngurl, sleepysquid, slowcraik, sm1hkh, snowinter, sofiah, sololanz, solomonher, sominsbestie, sostrange, soysayso, sparkyk13, sparta, spelwurdsrite, srasinister, stephenoliver23, steve7h3ripper, stingray, stxrsbl1ng, suarez, sumaiyyaila, sun, sunny8751, sweetblack, sylveonanimation, szheng, tamago, tangy, tephteph, tes123, theahuramazda, thebaybabe, theo, theyallhere, tiwk, toejimon, totorohugs, trashboat, tulip, tzullyoona, ub9, unknown, vaishnavi42, vaniexe, verandrea, verunai, victoria, victorrsmc, vincentd1, vinodpoovaiah, vins, vlimon, voidtuner, vst1e, wandew, watermelonkoala, west, wigertong, wilbeback, williamwgt, winter, wonwoo717, xaroya, xepyonx, xhteng, xxxsoheila, yakini, yanadieyana98, ymhrookie7, yrapamuspusan, yuina, yuriaik0, yzamarie, zainak, zallone, zati, zee, zhc2007, zix, zkdzky, zuchat, 126 private users)

Faves: 316 (08kua, 1resolute1, 231soyj, 2dumb2watch, 910imwnkma, adeers23, aimanhakim10, aiyaz, akmalwan, alambert, alexzheng, aliyazizi, alizardbird, aljumanji, amaz180, andrew, angelicious, anonlilac, anorganiclifeform, anothermissdrama, apopolypse, applesauce, arman, ashley13, astrosprinkle, auttindynamic, avivi, ayedee, babydee, basilkate, bbiijj007, bbyflesh, beba, bingoboy, bizzybee, blackcookie, blazeddoughnut, bobasoup, breakspear, browneyedcurlyfries, brumbrum96, buddy, calistalovespink, cc00, cely, chaeyoung, chelseaxia, chloe1001, chocolatepoopbunnything, cjace00, claroling, cmacchiato16, cmpauls3, cns1224, connor, cutiepie21, czarinaco, dalbich, dalistoi, dandoon328, darkch0c0late, deararm, deigue, df1145, dho8202, diodah1, diogocoelho, dm06, dragonslayer64, dudu201j98, duhrduhr, dunkelbluete, dyrz, edi, elbert999, enet, erijmo, eudatg, exolola, eyyyyy, fangkattalakis, fashionnom2, fatou, feralflare, filianalter, flora, francium1220, gichibae, gintokisakata, gioghi, girafe, gizmododragon, gloss, grizzly, guacamolly, hagi, hamburglar, hammutchi, hansybarts36, hazelzhang, hecate86, heenim, heheboi81, hrjaems, hyams, hykzqwmx, icamtspel, icezus, ida, iloveyok, imabadnana, imjennienow, indy, iniraiii, intotheunknown, itssarcazm, itzjason, itzsamuel, jbquijana, jeanellet, jeazzyy, jennacoriiin, jennifer, jeongie, jiahengk, jl050503, johanal, joker, jonr11, jrip, justinekathemarigmailcom, justinntyne, kae7012, kawaiidreamer, keboo, kevin0wens, kexopop, key, kimmycheese, kjnfwekfnwef, komorebiken, koya, krappanine, krissel, kwangsoolover, kwangsooyobu, lawrencehsj, laxr, lazygeb, leviris, lime02, linlinnd23, lixurisunshine, logiburr, lozerlvr, lucyestern, mabbmabbb, maharaga, marebear, maroram, masakosa, math2020, maycry159, mcbeefykon, memdan, mhong58, misterliyum, moonchild, mootdoot, motr8la, mrtodamhumble, natsudrage, nebpio, neptun0, nerumin, nethu, nikhilagubbala, niklu17, nixiepuff, njabagat, oranges19, orangeshampoo, pasange, patrickenis, peyngo, pijonghoo, pkim168, pkmtz, plasticbottle, pookoc, preciouskyy, purejackiez, qtineeey, quibo, r0blovespizza, ran, ranningman, redjacketnomad, regigtz, reigun08, rejoyce, rielmordechai, rielmrdch, rizqy, rizzychung, rockdiamond222, rrrrrrrrrrrr, rshon, runnercho2, runningkai, sakasa, sakura18, saltedpillow, samid, samoanhokage, samsammy, scarlet8060, serenaji, sharu, sijunee, sintangmabini, sivausaga, skawngurl, slowcraik, sominsbestie, songjeoktoma, sostrange, souney, sumaiyyaila, sweetalmighty, sweetblack, szkmkll, tedrick, terraforce18, theahuramazda, theficlimb, thegingermobile, theo, theonewhocontrolsspace, theyallhere, timmat, tiwk, tkay101, toim, tomatoiris, tomytoby, totorohugs, tracyrosy, tragbag, triclosan, tuuuyenni, twystin, uniicornn, unknown, venusad, victoria, vst1e, wandew, wc, william20, williamtse91, wtwizard4091, xepyonx, yakini, yrapamuspusan, zahranoor0210, zek, zhc2007, zura, zylania, 46 private users)

Fave/Watch Ratio: 50.97%

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