Episode #716 - Running Summer Games with the National Athletes

Broadcast Date: 2024-08-25

Watches: 144 (2dumb2watch, 6ixthsen5e, abbyujin, acan605, ace21r, aciel, agnetiks, aiyaz, alexzheng, alistairamias, angzx2004gmailcom, anne0222, anorganiclifeform, anta, anthayashi, artemisia, ateng, aunihamiza, avivi, bananas, basilkate, bedahyeaaah, bellbelle, bob545, canyounot, catrien, cloverhap, crazyinlovewithrunningman, csicskagyasz, dan1073, danshin94, darkch0c0late, doberman286, donitatrip, dynamicentry, ellahcc, ellieotto, emanskie, emceezenith, emilyhu, emircarmell, entropix, eqtor, eschele12, ethanv, fatou, frostiris, gogevi9594, gomiman, grayphantom, hagi, halyangdream7012, hillbilly2023, hyams, icarustc, iman0701, infiresjamy, isabellamini, jaaj, jebreil, jennifer, jizzw, joy7, karthyhu, kendyyy, kexopop, khuynh180, kimyerimsshi, krazaac, krissel, laim22, leeseojoon, lenie, mabrur88, mangohead78, manju, mely, menguajack, mfpos, minjunjo, minthetkhine, mountaincelery, muskan, natsudrage, netukas, nicole12345, niklu17, oasl, olive, patgon45, phuonganhcentrumcz, picle, plongerman, pmovva, pokermilo, primee, princess1235, pyc88, qqmotion, red5fly, rm123, runinggggmanjihhhhyo, sakurathesachi, saltedpillow, saolo, sec, seno, sharu, shinchanmj, shotaz, silveratlas, sivajipro, slooth15, solomonher, sostrange, ssp, tdc000, theahuramazda, tiendao, txente, tzullyoona, vinnnnnnn, wchingling, xxxsoheila, yeyeng, zati, zchua021, zerothazure, 16 private users)

Faves: 48 (08kua, 2dumb2watch, 6ixthsen5e, arloo, avivi, bob545, brbara, calleette, catrien, cloverhap, crazyinlovewithrunningman, darkch0c0late, fabi, firlachiel, halyangdream7012, hyams, jalfz, jelsomino, joji, juhlyn, keklapis, kexopop, laim22, mabrur88, maerika1610, magenta, mesmerize, mona051, mootdoot, natsudrage, plongerman, runinggggmanjihhhhyo, runningboy22, runningman91, sostrange, ssho305, stryker789, theahuramazda, thelilipop, txa, ykana123, yvesorivy, zaraneptune, zati, 4 private users)

Fave/Watch Ratio: 33.33%

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