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Episodes with 'amusementpark' (2)


#211 - 1470 Amusement Park Special

2014-08-31 9.2%

Ailee Ji Chang-wook Kim Tae-woo (g.o.d) Lee Sung-jae Lim Seul-ong (2AM) Skull Song Eun-yi

amusementpark cutejihyo findtheguest funny idols rollercoaster secretguest singing sulli vjkwonryeol


#310 - Representative Player Contest Race (1)

2016-07-31 7.2%

Ha Jae-sook Oh Yeon-seo Soo Ae

amusementpark hauntedhouse hiddenmissions horror karaoke randommrcapable rollercoaster teams themepark unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo unluckytrio zombie


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