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Episodes with 'kimwoobin' (1)


#485 - We Won't Harm You

2020-01-12 7.0%

Ahn Jae-hong Jeon Yeo-been Kang So-ra Kim Sung-oh

betrayal deity flipbottle flogging funny gameofwits goofyguests jjajang kimwoobin mechanicalbull memorize minchan pettyjongkook playfuljaeseok ripnametag rodeo waterbomb

This week, the cast from Secret Zoo, Ahn Jae Hong, Kang So Ra, Jeon Yeo Been, Kim Sung Oh, join Running Man to promote their movie. Each guest is the captain of a team with two other Running Man members. Hidden among them are two reincarnated members and two deities of death who are out to get them. Only the deities can eliminate members. The losing team faces the water bomb.


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Statistics (as of 2024-04-20):
  • 701 episodes, 1,057 guests, 1,429 tags
  • 46,950 users, 375,416 watches, 74,757 favorites, 17,093 plans to watch