Episodes with 'waterbomb' (29)


#082 - Spy Game

2012-02-19 17.3%

Lee Da-hae

1versus badjihyo betrayal boxing busan fddongwan gangsterjihyo guessthesong innocentgary kwangsooannoyingjongkook mondaycouple myeokpd playboyhaha randommrcapable secretmission sharpjongkook spy teasingjongkook water waterballoon waterbomb yooneunhyeteasing


#178 - Year End Special

2013-12-29 12.7%

No guests

7012 acejihyo bestofhaha boat emotional goodfeeling hanriver hulahoop jenga mustwatch noguests relay rmteam rmvsstaff runningballs runningmanvs sleepingjihyo teamwork twice waterbomb


#205 - The Best Part-Time Job

2014-07-20 10.5%

Baek Ji-young Hong Jin-young Kang Seung-hyun Lee Guk-joo Wang Feifei (Miss A)

basketball bestofhaha bustalk competitiveguests dancing fiercegirls food funguests goodguests goofyguests idol idols jongkookloveline kwangsooloveline luckyjihyo mckkuk mondaycouple mustwatch oneofthebest unluckykwangsoo unluckyseokjin water waterbomb


#240 - Protect the 20 Year Old Big Nose Brother

2015-03-29 11.0%

Kang Ha-neul Kim Woo-bin Lee Jun-ho (2PM)

bestepisode bestof2015 birthday cola flowerboys goodfeeling hunters hunting idol karaoke pedometer prettyboys quiz ripnametag rmteam singing teamwork waterbomb


#332 - 2017 New Year's Special

2017-01-01 6.6%

No guests

betrayerkwangsoo fortunetelling happynewyear hideandseek iris kimyujeong mentionofgary noguests pullsideburns ripnametag runningballs spartace unluckyseokjin waterbomb

For this week’s episode, the members gather for the New Year. They do various missions, get their fortunes read, and go through a checkup to see their health conditions. As they continue, the members receive R Balls according to the results, and those balls will decide who will be the first runner of the Member’s Week.


#340 - Member's Week 7 - Lee Kwang Soo Special

2017-02-26 7.4%

No guests

7012 eating emotional food goodfeeling guessthemission hiddenmissions iceshower membersweek minji noguests punishment vote waterbomb

This week, it’s Kwang-soo’s week. During the pre-meeting, he tells the staff that he’d like to take revenge on the other members for always doubting and suspecting him. He also wants to test their loyalty. What kind of surprise has the staff prepared this time?


#345 - Booking Race

2017-04-09 3.9%

Han Jae-suk Sandara Park (2NE1) Yoon Park

idols missions quiz ripnametag waterbomb

This week, the members welcome Sandara Park, Han Jae-suk, and Yoon Bak. These three guests become team leaders and book their members. They compete among themselves to become the final team standing. Which team will be victorious? Mission: Complete the mission to win the final prize and avoid being in the last place. Sandara Park Team mission: Pass through 6 different immigration checkpoints. Han Jae-suk Team mission: Find hints on the location of the supercar. Yoon Bak Team mission: Eliminate other teams.


#346 - Running Mate - Dangerous Room

2017-04-16 5.5%

No guests

9012 betrayal busgames bustalk castchange conveyorbeltgame crazysomin minchan mustwatch newmembers noguests nonsensegame unluckysechan waterbomb

This week, the members welcome two new Running Man members: Jeon So Min and Yang Se Chan. They are divided into two groups and go through different missions. Through each of these missions, they either obtain or lose a point. The member with the lowest points in total will be sent abroad to face their punishment.


#375 - City of Outlaws Race (2) / Mystery Autumn Trip Race

2017-11-05 6.8%

Ha Yeon-soo Jo Se-ho Kang Daniel (Wanna One) Noh Sa-yeon

betrayal items mentionofjoongki money ripnametag runningballs waterbomb

This week, the Running Man members continue off from where they ended last week. Each of the three gangs have a safe that contains all their capital. They need to rip each other's name tags to find out where the opposing safes are. Which team will meet their victory?


#380 - Different Dreams on the Money Race

2017-12-10 9.0%

Kang Han-na Kyung Soo-jin

ddakji investing kwangmin money secret shoethrowinggame teams waterbomb

This week, the Running Man members are joined by Kang Han Na and Kyung Su Jin. Today's race is called 'Same Money, Different Dreams'. They will be divided into two teams, and through games, the winning team will be determined. Furthermore, the individual in the winning team with the most amount of money will be the final victor.


#384 - The New Year Fortune 2018

2018-01-07 8.1%

No guests

acupressure bustalk crazykwangsoo foodmission fortunetelling happynewyear kookminsiblings kwangmin ma mentionofjoongki minchan noguests pettyjongkook pirateroulette poorkwangsoo quiz secretmission spartace stonegold unluckykwangsoo waterbomb

The Running Man members gather together for a new year's special. Each member randomly selects a lucky pouch. Four pouches are Gold Pouches and four are Stone Pouches, but there is a member who has Hands of Stone and can change a Stone Pouch into a Gold Pouch. The members with a Stone Pouch at the end will get a water bomb penalty. Who will be the member to get penalized?


#387 - Running Prison

2018-01-28 9.1%

No guests

angryjongkook bestof2018 bestofkwangsoo betrayers busgames bustalk cheaterkwangsoo crazysomin easybrothers escaperoom funny goodfeeling guessthemovie jail kookminsiblings kwangmin membersfunnystories mustwatch noguests personalstories prison reststop reststopfood roleplay spartace stealing teasingseokjin tofu unluckykwangsoo waterbomb

Running Man has become a series of lies and betrayals. As a result, the members will pay for their sins on today's race. They will be put into prison throughout the course of the race for the sins they have committed, and they can only come out when they have served their time. The last member to finish serving their time will have to self-punish themselves with a water bomb. Who will be the member who will get the penalty?


#389 - The 2nd Jeju Island Special, Hopscotch Race

2018-02-18 7.8%

Goo Hara (Kara) Lee Da-hee Mina (Gugudan) Seol In-ah

hotel jeju roulette tents twice waterbomb

This week, the Running Man members have a relaxing tour in Jeju Island where they can enjoy nature. The winning team wins the best accommodation. The teams will be divided into two groups of four. The teams are divided into Team Senior Yu and Team Junior Jee. Before they go on with their missions, they need to spin a roulette and choose one person from the other team to eliminate. Which two members will be the chosen ones, and which team will get to enjoy the luxurious suite?


#393 - The Curse of the Diamond

2018-03-25 7.7%

Hong Jin-young Kang Han-na Lee Da-hee Lee Sang-yeob

athleteguests busgames bustalk cheatingguests couple drawingrelay familypackage funguests funny goofyguests jongkookloveline kwangsooloveline mafiagame maposiblings membersfunnystories mustwatch peperogame personalstories waterbomb

This week, the Running Man members continue from where they left off last week. Accompanied by guests Lee Sang Yeob, Lee Da Hee, Hong Jin Young, and Kang Han Na, the members set off to do various missions. At the end, the losers will have to go on a scary trip to somewhere frightening while the winners will get to enjoy the luxury at a wonderful place.


#405 - Don't Trust Them

2018-06-17 7.5%

Kyung-ri (Nine Muses) Lee Guk-joo Seo Eun-soo Son Dam-bi

couplerace crazysomin dancing fakeidentity food funny idol idols jongkookloveline platform playfuljaeseok poppingchips secret teams voting waterbomb

In this week's episode of Running Man, Son Dam Bi, Seo Eun Su, Lee Gook Ju, and Gyeong Ree join the show. Total six couples are formed and among them, five are thieves and seven are civilians. Also, there is Boss, the leader of thieves, and King, the leader of civilians. Team Civilians wins if the members eliminate the Boss while Team Thieves can win if they eliminate the King. Which team will get to win the race? Stay tuned to find out!


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  • 739 episodes, 1,081 guests, 1,491 tags
  • 101,939 users, 478,539 watches, 99,765 favorites, 23,804 plans to watch