| #048 - Raiders of the Stolen Uigwe 2011-06-19 7.9% No guests acejihyo bags betrayers blindfold elephantnose flag food historical insole key museum noguests puzzle quiz runningball Running Man members solve a series of suspiciously easy challenges and receive bags to fill. This all changes when they are individually dropped off at a museum. | 838 | 154 | 18.38% |
 | #059 - Hip Hop Special 2011-09-04 14.0% Choiza (Dynamic Duo) Gaeko (Dynamic Duo) Simon Dominic (Supreme Team) Tiger JK (Drunken Tiger) Yoon Mi-rae (MFBTY) betrayers hiphop ripnametag spy teams teamwork | 843 | 220 | 26.10% |
 | #074 - The Best Running Man #2 2011-12-25 17.1% No guests bestofgary betrayal betrayers christmas deathnote duplicator fddongwan hahascheme kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep mondaycouple mustwatch noguests oneofthebest phoenix powers randommrcapable ripnametag schemerharoro sechskies sharpjongkook sixthsense strongestrunningman superpowers survivalseries unluckykwangsoo unpredictable vietsub vjkwonreol wittyhaha Running Man pairs are formed and receive a meeting place. The remaining Running Man not in a pair does not receive the hint but receives the meeting place accidentally. There they receive unique superpowers and a nametag elimination begins. | 1105 | 626 | 56.65% |
 | #083 - Bundle Race 2012-02-26 17.8% Lee Da-hae Oh Ji-ho beach betrayers busan competitiveguests ripnametag sand schemerharoro sharpjongkook sleepingjihyo traditionalmarket | 734 | 75 | 10.22% |
 | #123 - Kimchi Making Race 2012-12-09 21.1% Go Soo Han Hyo-joo betrayerkwangsoo betrayers cheating cooking dirtyplay easybrothers familyouting fddongwan food goodguests goyounjung haystack jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo kimchi meepmeep perm playfuljaeseok poorkwangsoo stealing teams | 847 | 297 | 35.06% |
 | #124 - The Man Who Became A King 2012-12-16 21.2% Go Soo Han Hyo-joo acejihyo bestofkwangsoo betrayal betrayers candyalliance cheaterkwangsoo easybrothers eat eating fddongwan firewood food foodmission goodconcept goodguests goofyguests invincible mustwatch myeokpd race restaurant ripnametag ripnametagking roleplay spicy voting | 815 | 304 | 37.30% |
 | #146 - Betrayer Club Arrest Operation 2013-05-19 13.5% Kim Sang-kyung Uhm Jung-hwa betrayal betrayers detective poster ripnametag teams traitorsclub | 735 | 109 | 14.83% |
 | #219 - The Return of the Queen 2014-11-02 10.6% Han Sang-jin Han Ye-seul Joo Sang-wook Jung Gyu-woon Wang Ji-hye betrayers dancing friends funguests funnyjihyo goodguests membersfunnystories ofcourse personalstories posing unpredictable | 703 | 208 | 29.59% |
 | #277 - The Zombie Virus Race 2015-12-13 4.7% Yeom Dong Heon antidote betrayers easybrothers eggs funny horror mustwatch roleplay scary zombie | 780 | 395 | 50.64% |
 | #303 - Running Man Hunting 2016-06-12 6.7% Ahn Sung-ki Cho Jin-woong Han Ye-ri Kwon Yul bestofkwangsoo betrayal betrayers chase chasing competitiveguests crazykwangsoo hahascheme hints hunting maposiblings math suspense treasure unluckytrio vjkwonreol vjkwonryeol | 638 | 110 | 17.24% |
 | #304 - Oh My Goddess 2016-06-19 7.2% Kim Min-seok Lee Sung-kyung Park Shin-hye Yoon Kyun-sang acejihyo betrayers chase chasing emotional flogging historical hunting jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo kwangsooloveline mondaycouple piggyback pool ripnametag suspense | 737 | 218 | 29.58% |
 | #322 - Running Man Autumn Sports Day 2016-10-23 7.3% Kang Min-kyung (Davichi) Park Mi-sun Son Yeon-jae Ye Ji-won Yura (Girl's Day) athleteguests betrayers bomb idols kimpab obstaclecourse relay spy | 635 | 59 | 9.29% |
 | #348 - The 2nd Global Race Special 2017-04-30 5.1% Hyolyn (Sistar) Jang Do-yeon 7012 9012 betrayal betrayerkwangsoo betrayers idol international jongkookloveline kwangmin membersfunnystories mentionofgary mondaycouple nonsensegame productplacement roulette teasingseokjin unluckysechan This week, Hyo Lyn of Sistar visits Running Man and surprises the members. Among the members, Jong Kook is the happiest. They are divided into three groups, and a case of betrayal unfolds. Also, the members' travel story in Osaka and Taiwan gets continued. | 766 | 82 | 10.70% |
 | #350 - Global Project (4) 2017-05-14 7.2% No guests angryjongkook badjihyo betrayers busgames easybrothers english gangsterjihyo money noguests quiz racestarter shoethrowinggame unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo unluckyseokjin The losers of last week's mission, Kwang Soo and Seok Jin, go on a search to find dolphins. Will they be able to meet these majestic creatures? It's the ultimate end to the global project filled with many twists and turns. No one can predict what will happen. They divide up into two teams to complete missions. The loser of the global project will be determined. Who will end up going on the infamous trip? | 749 | 84 | 11.21% |
 | #361 - 7th Anniversary Special: Real Family Outing (2) 2017-07-30 6.6% Cheon Sung-moon Jeon Wook-min Jo Se-ho Kim Jong-myung Kim Soo-yong Park Geun-sik Son Na-eun (Apink) Tae Hang-ho acejihyo anniversary armwrestle badjihyo badweather betrayal betrayerkwangsoo betrayers busgames bustalk cheaterkwangsoo competitiveguests crazysomin family friends funguests funny gangsterjihyo goofyguests iceshower idol kjkbeastmode kwangmong luckyjihyo money mustwatch nonsensegame nopants poorkwangsoo pulltheradish punishment quiz rain shoethrowinggame siblings sparta unlucky unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo wardrobemalfunction This week, the Running Man members continue off where they left off last week. Kwang Soo accidentally loses control over his own pants. The losing members will have to receive the ice shower penalty. Who are the winners and the losers? | 784 | 307 | 39.16% |